Price Match

At, we strive to provide quality service to all our customers. It is our goal to provide you with a low price guarantee on top of our quality service. We are confident that we always offer the best deals on the market, and we believe that price should never be the only factor when you shop with us. We are committed to providing low prices every day, on every product. So, if you find a lower advertised price on an identical product, let us know and we will match or beat that price! Please let us know the product that you want to buy and advertised page.

Please note that we cannot honor the following:
We do not price match Lego products.
Misprinted ad prices of other retailers
Retailers outside of the United States
Going out of business sales
Special sale events
Out of stock or discontinued items
Closeout/clearance prices eBay and other auction or classified sites
Higher price after our discounts or ads when the actual price for items cannot be determined
Any variants of the above.